Kamaal R Khan popularly known as KRK never misses a chance to make headlines. The self-proclaimed critic fears no one and shares his opinion on anything and everything on social media. Back in 2016, when Alia Bhatt did a bikini photoshoot with a renowned magazine alongside Sidharth Malhotra, it left their fans with happy tears. Reacting to Alia's pictures, Kamaal wrote some nasty comments on his Twitter account and got a befitting reply from Sid. Scroll below to read the scoop.
KRK's most recent controversy involved Salman Khan where the superstar filed a defamation case against the self-proclaimed critic and businessman for defaming his home brand 'Being Human'. Back in 2016, the businessman trolled Alia Bhatt for her bikini photoshoot which didn't go well with her co-star and friend Sidharth.
Alia Bhatt and Sidharth Malhotra were the cover stars for Vogue February 2016 issue and looked hot as ever in the same. KRK took to his Twitter and expressed his views on the photo cover and wrote, "Alia looks so Bacchi in panty but still some people keep forcing her to wear it."
KRK's tweet didn't go well with Sidharth Malhotra who replied to his tweet and wrote, "Sir ! We also try very hard to tell u to shut up but u keep tweeting !"
The self-proclaimed critic also replied to Sid in his next tweet that read, "Sir Ji @S1dharthM 130Cr ppl of India also try very hard to tell you to stop acting but you keep doing films to harass them."
Sir Ji @S1dharthM 130Cr ppl of India also try very hard to tell you to stop acting but you keep doing films to harass them.
Sidharth Malhotra was quick to acknowledge KRK's tweet and replied, "I think u need English classes sir ! ,as u didn't read and understand my previous tweet!"
I think u need English reading classes sir! ,as u didn't read and understand my previous tweet ! https://t.co/62YyVXuZGu